Upcoming training courses
Intervenant – Intervenante en santé globale et activité physique
Attestation de formation - Participation

Our team of professionals is attentive to your needs to offer training that will promote the development of your team’s skills.
Are you looking to improve your skills in your profession? Would you like to acquire new skills or simply reorient your career? Our team of professionals is here to listen to your needs.
Service aux entreprises – Estrie actively participates in the implementation of training and development programs that are adapted to Estrie businesses as well as to the public and para-public sectors.
Our dynamic and professional team plays a key role in developing the skills of the workforce, thus contributing to the economic and social development of our companies.
Jeudi 13 février 2025 | Info Alerte : Veuillez noter que les formations du Service aux Entreprises – Estrie sont suspendues sur les territoires suivants. CSS du Val-des-Cerfs, CSS des Hauts-Cantons, CSS Des Sommets.
Commission Scolaire Eastern Townships : Cours suspendus et centre fermé. Les cours sont maintenus dans le CSS de la Région-de-Sherbrooke.
Pour toute question n’hésitez pas à consulter la page Facebook du Service aux Entreprises – Estrie.