Formation Insulin in Diabetes Management

training content

  • -Better understand diabetes
  • - Recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, as well as the appropriate interventions to take
  • - Be able to perform a capillary blood glucose test and record the result properly
  • - Administer insulin safely according to legal guidelines and document it in the medical record (FADM)
  • - Provide proper care for a person with diabetes
Type of training : AF-Participation
Duration : 3H30
Dates :
  • 2025-03-24
Schedule :
  • 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Price :
  • $ 75 + taxes
Venue : Présentiel

    Maison trinitaires : 200 Bd Robert, Granby, QC J2H 0R2

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